When you approach healing with purpose and intention, you have the potential to create an extraordinary life beyond the challenges that divorce brings. I am here to help you bridge where you are to where you want to be.


Living an extraordinary life after divorce is not only possible, but inevitable. I know you found my page because you know that living a mediocre life is not something you are interested in. We work together to create the life that is yours to have.

  • Come to know that the answers are already within you. Learning self-trust is a part of the journey you are on.

  • I help you step into a place where you can thrive and NOT just get by in life. This is a journey and not a quick fix, a journey I’m here to help you with.

  • I’ll teach you the tools to create wealth. A wealth that is more than creating money. It’s a way of BEING.

I’m Corrie Woods.

Divorce Coach for those who are ready to live an EXTRAORDINARY Life after divorce.

It’s time to create the life you desire

  • Each person has unique challenges. I am prepared to coach you on any mindset that’s restricting you from reaching your highest potential.

    My passionate subjects are ranging anywhere from business, wealth mindset, relationships, marriage, spirituality and more. All the tools I know apply to any situation.

  • When you commit to your growth, its never a comfortable experience. Yet as you learn to sit in that discomfort it will refine you and release you from what is holding you back.

    I teach you exactly how to sit with your emotions so you can move through them and truly learn what they’re there to teach you.

  • We will figure out WHERE you are and where you want to be.

    We will explore the WHY to where you are, seeing clearly what got you there so you can break free.

    I will then give you practical tools on HOW to get where you want to be and together we will make sure you get there with confidence.

Schedule a FREE consultation. I offer 1:1 private coaching and a group program.